expressing and fueling the love for Love
Sound as a doorway to silence
With my singing I wish to invoke and reflect the stillness and vibrancy that is felt in the moments of Pure Love and Joy.
Meditative chanting helps to clear and still the mind while invoking qualities that may serve us on our journey. Devotional kirtan releases the knots in the heart. It makes us feel connected to one another. Entering the place where words fall short we chant!
I offer ecstatic kirtan, yin and chanting workshops with yin yoga teachers and I offer trainings for yoga teachers.
I have been leading kirtans and mantra workshops for about 15 years now. Most memorable were our gatherings with big groups on the banks of the river Ganga in Rishikesh. The invitation of Swamiji to offer chants as a welcome to people who come for his satsang in Rishikesh and Tiruvanamalai were a great gift. I have learned so much showing up day after day to sing. Here chanting really became a part of my sadhana and I owe much of what I share to these moments.
There is nothing sweeter to me than singing together and to feel how lover and Beloved merge in a blissful ocean of sound!

In truth, it is through bhakti
that one knows Me,
who I am and what I am;
and when one knows me in Truth,
one enters immediately into My being
Bhagavad Gita
Sacred music has the power to touch something so deep within us.
It speaks of longing and belonging.

Yin Yoga and Mantra… a special combination, and as a yoga teacher I feel joyful to create workshops together with Ganga Ma. With her beautiful voice and her peaceful and lovely presence she gives an extra dimension to our workshops.
Participants experience a deeper relaxation and are able to release emotions. It is so fulfilling to see them enjoy the experience and come to deep relaxation. It feels so joyful to work with her. She is a special and unique woman.

When you want to attain janam (ultimate wisdom),
prepairing yourself through bhakti is needed.
It cleanses the mind and when the mind is sufficiently pure
it recognises the Self.
Sri Swami Ramanacharana Tirtha