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IMG_6036.JPG Kirtan Yoga Sacred Art Yantra Maditation Mantra


Svapna Varahi Yantra with Passepartout
  • This yantra was so special to make. All these different layers of lotus petals in a special colour palette create a special kind of 3 dimentionality.

    It is with great joy that I present her to you. 


    (This painting has been sold, it would be a great to joy to paint one especially for you.)


    Goddess Swapna Varahi reigns as the fierce goddess of dreams. Not merely a symbol of sleep, she is the protector and transformer of the subconscious realm.

    Riding her wild boar, she traverses the landscape of dreams, smashing through the veils of illusion (Maya) and fear. For the awakened yogi, she becomes the force that grants control over the dream state (Swapna), allowing one to reshape destiny through the mind. Her energy invokes courage to face inner demons and transforms night visions into tools for spiritual evolution. She appears in dreams.


    Svapna Varahi is an incarnation of goddess Lakshmi. 

    Her boar face indicates that She can dig deep into our karmas and will remove all the hurdles affecting our growth.

    Her vehicle is a buffalo, this represents the ego and inertness in a person.

    Svapna Varahi riding the buffalo represents Her ability to bring about the change within us and take us forward to spiritual and material heights. 




    This design has a hypnotizing quality, She really draws me in while drawing and painting her. The golden dot in the centre, the bindu, is Svapna Varahi herself.



    Svapna Varahi Yantra with Passepartout

    This yantra will be painted especially for you!
    • Why you will love it

      • Hand drawn and painted
      • Guache on watercolor paper
      • Handmade passepartout
      • Made with love and devotion
      • Inspiring work of art will bring divine energy to your home or yoga shala
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